Find the Best Pay Stub Templates for Your Business

Although Paystubs aren’t mandated, it is a legal document for an employee to keep records of all the details they need to know regarding their salary such as how much they are paying in taxes and deductions. A paystub even includes the number of hours worked during the pay period, year-to-date balances, and paid time off taken. 

That’s why if you searched the net at some time to find an appropriate template for keeping record of the Real Check Stubs and payrolls of your workers you probably were a bit surprised to find a lot of templates for your needs, making it rather difficult for you to choose the one that will deliver satisfactory results for the kind of business you are running. As an employer, it is your responsibility to see that the paystub they get is to the point and easily understood.

What Does a PayStub Template Generally Consist?

Most pay stubs template would consist of basic earnings and deductions information such as:

YTD Gross: YTD stands for Year- to-Date. It refers to the period beginning the first day of the current calendar year or fiscal year up to the current date and YTD Gross is the sum of each pay cycle’s total gross earning. 

Employee tax deductions: It include Common taxes deducted such as federal income tax, the employee portion of FICA tax, and, sometimes, state and local income taxes. 

Hours Worked : As the name suggest, it include the number of hours the employee has worked. It’s not required in every states but it is a best practice to make sure overtime paid correctly.

Pay Period: A pay period is a recurring length of time over which employee time is recorded and paid

Time Off Balances: his information is helpful to the employee, but also required in states like California and New York that have mandatory paid sick time laws.

Choosing the right template for your employee may be difficult for you but you can try some pay stub sample and check which among them suits your business needs the best.


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